Financing Policy

Ichigo Office (8975) will develop and apply a well-planned and flexible financial strategy to generate stable profits and achieve steady portfolio growth.

Issuance of Additional Shares

In issuing additional shares, Ichigo Office will take into account the ratio of total interest-bearing liabilities to total assets (LTV) and the plan for acquisition of additional properties, among other factors, while paying due attention to the impact on dividends per share (dilution).


LTV shall not normally exceed 60% of total assets. However, it may temporarily exceed 60% in the case of new asset purchases.

Investment Corporation Bonds

Ichigo Office may issue investment corporation bonds for the purpose of long-term, stable fund procurement and diversification of funding sources.


Ichigo Office may provide its own assets as collateral for fund procurement, as necessary.

Derivative Transactions

Ichigo Office may conduct futures and/or derivative transactions only for the purpose of hedging risks such as interest rate risks with respect to the liabilities of Ichigo Office. However, if the underlying transaction terminates because of repayment or other reasons, Ichigo Office may elect to not cancel the hedging transaction to avoid cancellation fees.