Terms of Use
This website (www.ichigo-office.co.jp; hereafter, "this Site") is operated by Ichigo Office REIT Investment Corporation (Ichigo Office). Please use this Site after reading and consenting to the following conditions. If you start using this Site, Ichigo Office shall assume that you have consented to the following terms of this disclaimer. Ichigo Office may also may change these terms without notice, and so it asks that you check the latest Terms of Use.
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This Site contains information relating to Ichigo Office's plans, strategies and forecasts. This content is not factual information, but represents forecasts of future performance and such. Therefore, this information includes risks and factors that are uncertain. Please note that Ichigo Office's performance may differ from the forecasts due to a range of factors. The objective of this Site is to enhance the viewer's understanding of Ichigo Office and its operations by introducing recent data and news. This Site was not created for the purpose of soliciting investment in Ichigo Office.
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This Site is managed and operated by Ichigo Office. While it is possible to access this Site from around the world, the interpretation and application of the use of this Site shall follow Japanese law. The Tokyo District Court shall serve as the exclusive court of competent jurisdiction for the first trial in relation to all disputes relating to this Site.